Contact Us

If you would like to contact us please email us at: or fill in the form below:

    Upcoming Events

    Our 2024 programme ran through the Spring with in person talks including a social gathering before and afterwards. Details appear here as dates are confirmed

    There are no upcoming events.

    Join us

    Membership is open to everyone who shares our aim to make our City attractive for residents and visitors.

    The membership / financial year runs from 1st April through to 31st March but you may of course join at any time so don’t delay, join today!

    Become a member


    Do you know of a project that might deserve recognition in the Society’s Awards? These can be for new developments, large or small, but could be for a small extension, restored windows on a period property, or a rebuilt wall. Its not just about buildings either. Remember the Society’s Awards cover things that enhance the quality of St Albans environment or amenities and the Trevelyan Award is presented for a conservation project.

    Get looking about now. Send your nominations to us Please provide a brief description and thoughts on why it should be considered.