About us

Promoting our heritage, shaping our future

  • We campaign for the retention and enhancement of everything that gives St Albans its special character
  • We work collaboratively with partners to keep our iconic Clock Tower open and make other improvements
  • We encourage the highest standard of design in new developments and contest inappropriate development proposals
  • We champion sustainability and positive environmental impact
  • We stimulate interest and informed debate amongst residents, developers and the Council

The Society scrutinises the weekly planning lists, commenting on proposed developments, big and small, across the City centre, its suburbs and Green Belt, that may either enhance or adversely affect the appearance or environment of St Albans. We are an organisation that wants to preserve our heritage, but at the same time encourage quality modern building – and we do mean quality, not anything-will-do pastiche. Our  Awards Evening is St Albans’ answer to the BAFTAs!

Liaison with St Albans District Council, particularly its Planning Department, is an important activity, as is direct dialogue with Councillors. If necessary we are prepared to confront and campaign to make our point. A notable example was our effort to bring back a cinema to St Albans, another was to help stop a large supermarket being built along London Road that would not only undermine our city centre shops and markets, which are so much part of St Albans life, but seriously impact upon the local neighbourhood adding to the traffic congestion and pollution.

Founded in 1961 and part of the nation wide civic society movement, we are a registered charity, number 200330, and a non party-political and non religious organisation, ready to welcome everyone who cares about the future of St Albans. Sometimes referred to as the ‘City’s Watchdogs’, the Civic Society is the conservation and amenity movement for St Albans. We are a member of the national organisation ‘Civic Voice’.

Put simply, that means we keep an eye on the City’s heritage, its buildings and the characteristics that make St Albans that special place in which to live, and perhaps work, and the reason why people come and visit.

So, do join us, maybe to offer to help, or maybe just to show you support our aims. We offer, above all, a chance to be involved and have a say in what our city looks like and how it functions.

Upcoming Events

Our 2024 programme ran through the Spring with in person talks including a social gathering before and afterwards. Details appear here as dates are confirmed

There are no upcoming events.

Join us

Membership is open to everyone who shares our aim to make our City attractive for residents and visitors.

The membership / financial year runs from 1st April through to 31st March but you may of course join at any time so don’t delay, join today!

Become a member


Do you know of a project that might deserve recognition in the Society’s Awards? These can be for new developments, large or small, but could be for a small extension, restored windows on a period property, or a rebuilt wall. Its not just about buildings either. Remember the Society’s Awards cover things that enhance the quality of St Albans environment or amenities and the Trevelyan Award is presented for a conservation project.

Get looking about now. Send your nominations to us stalbanscivicsociety@gmail.com Please provide a brief description and thoughts on why it should be considered.